Friday, July 4, 2008

Blithedale Romance

This is for anyone reading The Blithedale Romance for their reading paper (which I'm sure is many of you.) I went to the main stacks to check out the Blithedale Romance and there are many different copies of the book. More importantly there are copies that also have criticisms and analytical essays pertaining to the book. I believe one book had a reference section with historical background on the book which I think will help those who are having trouble thinking of a hypothesis for their paper. it may provide better understanding. Well, hopefully no one has checked these books out yet, and if they have, I'm sure they have more copies at Moffitt or on reserve. Good luck everyone on your paper. Oh and by the way, if anyone has any resources for Sweet Cicely, please mention. Thank you!


Nick G. said...

Thanks for the tip Melissa! I'll be sure to check that out when I'm doing my research.

Jeffrey Y. said... difficult to comment on people's blogs since apparently no one else read the same book as I did and I don't want to read spoilers just yet.

Thanks for reminding me about the library. Sometimes I forget it exists. Perhaps I could find some interesting books concerning The Conjure Woman.