Sunday, August 10, 2008

Oh Academia...

So I went to office hours on Thursday and what I found out was that my analysis really got meshed together with my research. Robert Stanton wrote an essay on Nature and the Spirit in Blithedale, which I saw as awesome support for my paper about Nature and Spirit. However, I realized that I didn't differentiate between his opinions and my own. Basically, a lot of my revision will be to streamline my paper so I'm not being repetitive and to ensure that I am expanding on the relationship between Nature and Spirit, not simply agreeing with Stanton and my other sources. Good luck everyone, only one more week left!

Nick G.


Wesley said...

I have also struggled with differentiating my argument with others'. I had kind of an opposite problem though: I made my argument so unique that it became unprovable and I was unable to easily link it with my secondary sources! Now I'm trying to fix it, and so far, have had little luck.

Jeffrey Y. said...

Wow. I suppose this issue about making one's own argument more distinct from the research isn't just an issue I'm having. I suppose it's a pitfall that people have a tendency to fall into.

Radioactive celery!!!

Matt said...

Yeah. It's tempting in a paper like this to rehash the arguments other have made. A lot has been written about The Blithedale Romance, and the arguments made by professional critics often sound more compelling than anything I could make.