Friday, August 8, 2008

He has no chin

You can see a scan of an illustration of Paul Slide in the first edition here, courtesy of the Harvard library.

Errata for the bootleg edition of Sweet Cicely that you all have:

p. 37: But I wouldn't hear 110 such talk

p. 48: The young feller that gin the lecture, and his sister, wus left orphans and poor; and she was a good deal the oldest, and she set her eyes by him.

p. 177: ah I will they not pass away

p. 182: "No," say she, "I hain't." "No," says he, "I hain't."

p. 220: No, sir! fellers must come free and spontaneous ? , or not at all.


Adam said...

I wonder if it is just a coincidence that the character has no chin and also plays the roll of the town drunk.

Was the no chin = alcoholic a common stereotype? I've never heard that before.

Natalia said...

Actually, I think it would be a challenge to find a chin anywhere on The Simpsons.